Can't be reasonable anymore

That day, I read over and thought about it again..I snapped. It was what made me realized that I probably already draw a line around my partner which can't be crossed by anyone whether how it started or for whatever reason. Putting aside love, it's probably because I know her well enough that made myself stand in front of her. After all, I put her first before it comes to myself. Consequence? Leave it for later.

Although I am the one to be blamed, i totally cannot deny that I'm half glad that all these happened even if I did reached the limit. Life is cruel, there's really no 100% trust between humans and how do people measure amount of trust actually? Like "Trust me, I will know what to do." How much do you trust? Everyone does have something to hide, no matter what and even because of fear. No one can really deny there's this side of them. I believe in 99.9% trust thou. 0.1% to remind myself not to take things for granted and your partner will be here forever or not hide things from you. That's just life when we choose to accept it.

Things won't always go as planned. Even for mine. Think about it again, what is there to lose? We will always gained something when you lose it. Be it experience or be it pushing you to grow up and see the reality. There are so much more to gain. 

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