Are You Too Jealous?

YOUR RESULT: You're too secure and confident to be jealous.

You realize that jealousy is a waste of your time and energy. You're able to appreciate other people's fortunes as well as your own. After all, you know that you've got a lot to offer - things that others may not - so why compare and contrast or put other people down for the good that comes their way? You also prefer to trust your partner, either because you know how to pick out a trustworthy one or because you are secure enough in yourself and what you have together. This is not to say that you never feel the slightest twinge of jealousy - you're just able to deal with it in a productive way. If your coworker receives the raise you wanted, you work that much harder to get it yourself next time, or if your mate gets hit on, you take it as a compliment to your excellent taste. There's no room for green in your cheery outlook!

& I just took this! HAHA! Am I too free to do so ?! NO.! Just happened to see this quiz. It's random. It's lame but ya. !

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